We enjoy creating places for people to live, work and play in balance with the environment. We believe making architecture is a process of continual growth, and we focus our efforts on studying the unique characteristics of your project as it evolves through a multidisciplinary collaboration.
We specialize in environmentally sustainable hotels, offices, and homes. Many of our projects seek certification under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System. We have also adopted the Architecture 2030 Challenge which sets incremental targets toward the goal of carbon-neutral operation of all new buildings by 2030.
Our collaborative studio delivers the hands-on principal involvement of a small practice, while providing the experience and capabilities of a much larger firm.
We custom-design our Teams for each project. Assembled from both in-house staff and outside consultants, our thoughtful designers, architects and specialty consultants are committed to creating buildings that are functional, energy efficient and use eco-friendly materials and construction methods.
Each project is important to us. We provide the day-to-day leadership required for the highest quality of design, planning, and construction administration. We take an active role in project budgeting, value-engineering and scheduling because we see these as critical to a successful project.
This website contains brief selections of our work. We hope you enjoy them, and look forward to working with you to create thoughtful, elegant designs that are economical, sustainable and fit your needs.
All Wellness
The Andersons: http://lansingtradegroup.com/
Apple Island Resort: https://www.appleislandresort.com/
Arts Riot: http://www.artsriot.com/#playtogether
Ben & Jerry's: http://www.benjerry.com/
Birnn Chocolates: http://birnnchocolates.com/
Blackrock Development: https://www.blackrockus.com/
Bluebird: http://bluebirdbbq.com/
Build with Nature: https://www.buildwithnature.us/contact
Burlington Bagel Bakery: https://www.burlingtonbagelbakery.com/
Buttermilk, LLC: http://www.gristmillbuilders.com/
CeresMed / Champlain Valley Dispensary / Southern VT Wellness: http://www.cvdvt.org/
Champlain Bagel
City Market / Onion River Coop: https://www.citymarket.coop/
City of Burlington, VT: https://www.burlingtonvt.gov/
Congressman Peter Welch: https://welch.house.gov/
Cranaleith Spiritual Center: http://www.cranaleith.org/
Dealer.com: http://www.dealer.com/
Delamar: https://delamar.com/greenwich-hospitality/
Department of Veteran's Affairs: http://www.va.gov/
DEW Properties: http://www.dewproperties.com/
Dinse, Knapp & McAndrew: http://www.dinse.com/
DoubleTree Hotel: http://doubletree3.hilton.com/en/index.html
Draker Labs
Druid Flower
EnergyHub: https://www.energyhub.com/company/
The Essex Resort and Spa: https://www.essexresort.com/
The Farmhouse Group: https://www.farmhousegroup.com/
First Columbia: http://www.firstcolumbia.com/
Fletcher Free Library: http://www.fletcherfree.org/
Folinos: https://www.folinopizza.com/
Fortieth Burlington, LLC: http://innovationcenterofvt.com/
Generator: https://generatorvt.com/
Green Mountain Software: http://greenmountainsoftware.com/
Halvorson's Upstreet Café: http://www.halvorsonsupstreetcafe.com/
Hen of the Wood: https://www.henofthewood.com/waterbury
HES Ventures
Hilton Burlington: https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/bttvthf-hilton-burlington-lake-champlain/
HIMMS/Capsite: http://www.himssanalytics.org/
Hineberg Senior Center: http://www.heinebergseniorcenter.org/
Hinsdale Properties: http://www.hinsdaleproperties.net/
Hospitality Funding: https://www.hospitalityfunding.com/
Hotel VT: http://hotelvt.com/home
Huntington Homes: http://huntingtonhomesvt.com/
Internal Revenue Service: https://www.irs.gov/
Judge Development Corporation
Kolvoord, Overton & Wilson: http://essexvtlaw.com/
Larkin Properties: https://larkinrealty.net/rentals/
Little Citizen: https://www.littlecitizensboutique.com/
Long and Cox Properties: http://lcproperties.com/
Majestic 10 Theater: http://www.majestic10.com/
Maltex Partnership: http://maltexbuilding.com/contact.html
Manchester Specialty Insurance: http://www.manchesterspecialty.com/contact-us/
Margolis Healy Associates: https://www.margolishealy.com/
Marriot: http://www.marriott.com/default.mi
Marvell: https://www.marvell.com/
Metropark, LLC: http://thehoodplant.com/
Moran Plant
Mountaintop Inn & Resort: http://mountaintopinn.com/
Mr. Mike's Pizza
Myer’s Bagels: https://myersbagels.com/
National Life: https://www.nationallife.com/
Northfiel Savings Bank: https://www.nsbvt.com/
New Moon: http://newmoonvt.com/
PC Construction: http://www.pcconstruction.com/
The Permanent Fund: https://permanentfund.org/
Pinnacle Properties: http://pinnaclepropertiesvt.com/
Pizzagalli Properties: http://pizzagalliproperties.com/
Pomerleau Real Estate: http://vermontrealestate.com/
Putney Inn: http://putneyinn.com/
Railroad & Main: https://railroadandmain.com/
Redstone: http://redstonevt.com/
Rider’s Outpost
Rieley Properties: https://www.rieleyproperties.com/
Samosa Man: http://www.samosaman.com/
Scout and Company: http://www.scoutandcompanyvt.com/
Skinny Pancake: http://skinnypancake.com/
Snyder-Braverman Development Company
SOH Wind Engineering, LLC: http://sohwind.com/
Social Security Administration: https://www.ssa.gov/
Social Sentinel / Navigate 360: https://navigate360.com/safety-solutions/detect/
Spectrum Youth and Family Services: http://www.spectrumvt.org/
Stewart Construction: http://stewart-construction.com/
Ten Farrell Street, LLC
Tirol Crème
Twincraft Skincare: http://www.twincraft.com/
University of Vermont: http://www.uvm.edu/
University of Vermont Medical Center: https://www.uvmhealth.org/medcenter/Pages/default.aspx/
Efficiency Vermont: https://www.efficiencyvermont.com/
Vermont Community Fund: http://www.vermontcf.org/
Visiitng Nurse and Hospice Association: http://www.vnhcare.org/
Waterford Group: http://www.waterfordhotelgroup.com/
Westport Hospitality: http://westporthospitality.com/
North Country Sportsman's Club: http://shootncsc.com/